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for the love of UI

The FLUI Hackathon 2025 will be hosted at Emily Carr University’s Reliance Theatre, with Opening (Feb 16) and Closing Ceremonies (Feb 23).

During the event, you'll collaborate on your project, attend workshops, and meet your client online.

for the love of UI

Vancouver's Largest Design Hackathon

Mascot super cuteMascot smilingMascot cuteMascot calmMascot winking
Mascot super cuteMascot smilingMascot cuteMascot calmMascot winking


**Event timings are subject to change

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 - 7
Day 8

February 16

10:00 AM

Check In

10:30 AM

Opening Ceremony

12:00 PM


2:30 PM

Design Time

5:00 PM

Figma Prototyping Workshop By Raymond

6:30 PM

Design Time

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 - 7
Day 8

February 17

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Client Meetings

12:30 PM

Design Time

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Iterative Design Practices for Accessible UXBy Alba Au

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 - 7
Day 8

February 18

10:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Workshop TitleSpeaker's Name

11:30 PM

Design Time

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 - 7
Day 8

February 19

12:00 PM

Submission Deadline

12:00 PM

Judging Period

February 20

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

The Art of Portfolio StorytellingBy Robin Serena

February 21

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Portfolio CritiqueBy Siddhant Singh

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 - 7
Day 8

February 23

10:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Closing Ceremony

3:00 PM

Networking Mixer

Workshops & Speakers

16 Feb
Fireside Chat

Speaker's Name

11AM - 12PM

Topic Title

Speaker's Name

12PM - 1PM

Beginner Figma Prototyping


5PM - 6PM

17 Feb
Iterative Design Practices for Acccessible UX

Alba Au

5PM - 6PM

18 Feb
Topic Title

Host's Name

12PM - 1PM

16 Feb
Fireside Chat

Speaker's Name

11AM - 12PM

Topic Title

Speaker's Name

12PM - 1PM

Beginner Figma Prototyping


5PM - 6PM

17 Feb
Iterative Design Practices for Acccessible UX

Alba Au

5PM - 6PM

18 Feb
Topic Title

Host's Name

12PM - 1PM

20 Feb
The Art of Portfolio Storytelling

Robin Serena

2PM - 3PM

21 Feb
Portfolio Critique

Siddhant Singh

10AM - 11AM

22 Feb
Networking 101

Crystal Chu

10AM - 11AM

Topic Title

Speaker's Name

12PM - 1PM

20 Feb
The Art of Portfolio Storytelling

Robin Serena

2PM - 3PM

21 Feb
Portfolio Critique

Siddhant Singh

10AM - 11AM

22 Feb
Networking 101

Crystal Chu

10AM - 11AM

Topic Title

Speaker's Name

12PM - 1PM

Project Clients

Special Thanks to: